Friday, January 19, 2007

New Project Started Today

As some nice kind person sent me the 28 count white evenweave (Thanks Jo!) I was able to make a start on the Dimensions SAL. As most of you know, I'm not really into stitching C'massy stuff, so I'm doing something different (everyone else is doing Dimensions Sleigh Ride). Instead I'm doing 'The Earth Is Our Home...' which features a lot of endangered animals from around the world. This is my progress so far after about 3 hours of stitching.

The wind is getting up again outside, sounds as though we're in for another rough night. And when I let Mollie in it was raining too. The mad mutt could do with a bloody good bath cos she stinks. When Dene took her for a walk tonight she was apparently rolling in the mud on the field and now she is caked in the stuff. Typical when we've just put a clean quilt cover on the bed.

'The Earth...' is going to be put away for the weekend as I have a RR to work on for Aion Friends. I think the theme of the one I have is shoes, shouldn't take me too long, the back stitching will probably take me longer than the actual stitching. And of course I have to find the folder first that contains it. Someone has piled a load of junk on top of my drawers. Guess it was me. LOL.


Anonymous said...

Nice start on The Earth is Our Home.

JOT said...

Good progress! I am looking forward to seeing this grow.