Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Can't get to sleep

I'm lying here with the fan on, roasting hot, itching like hell, in agony, been crying for the past two hours trying to get to sleep and not succeeding.

  • Debby - thanks for that idea. Will try and get my son to go and get me some tomorrow. It's not just thrush I have, it's an infection on top of that, which is, from what Kate tells me, all red raw and blistering.

I do have an appointment with my GP tomorrow, late afternoon, and I'm hoping she's going to try something else that will work. The antibiotics certainly aren't helping. I gave up on the antibiotic cream as that was just making everything sting like hell and making it worse. I'm still lathering on the Sudocrem but to be honest all that's doing is making a mess of the sheets. LOL.


mainely stitching said...

Also have my fingers and toes crossed for a miracle cure.

Sally said...

Hope your GP can get something sorted for you tomorrow Jacqui. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Anonymous said...

Mine are crossed too! You poor thing it sounds like agony! Hope you get well soon!


Julie said...

{{hugs}} Jacqui, hope the dr can help you

Andrea said...

Jacqui I hope your doctor sorted you out. It sounds horrible.