Four Days Worth
Sorry I haven't been doing Did You Know... this week, been busy with other stuff. So you're going to get four days worth all in one go, aren't you the lucky ones. PMSL.

- Did you know...Northumberland has a tartan. Known as the Shepherd Tartan in Scotland, the Northumberland Tartan dates back to Roman times. A scrap of black and white check was found in a Roman bottle and is the oldest check fabric ever found. The black and white check tartan has been used by the Duke of Northumberland since the 18th century.

- Did you know...Catherine Cookson is a publishing phenomenon - an international best seller and for many years the most borrowed author from libraries. Born in Jarrow, she has received an accolate from South Tyneside which markets itself as 'Cookson Country'. Whilst our most prolific author is no longer with us, her stories live on.
Did you know...Northumberland is the only county that has an instrument named after it. The Northumbrian Pipes are more closely related to French small pipes than bagpipes. It is probably due to Northumbrian Pipes that Northumberland has an unbroken musical tradition.

mmmm.. stotties, I love em! Give a sarnie a whole new meaning .lol
Pease pudding *goes green thinking about it* The bread does look nice though. Mmm, lots of butter and a thin spread of lemon cheese I think :o)
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