Saturday, February 03, 2007

Mini Mandala Update

This is my Saturday rotation project that was started on my birthday after Jayne nagged me into it.
I'm almost finished the cross stitching and next week should be able to make a start on the speciality stitches and the beading.
I see a trip to Hobbycraft in the forseeable future - probably tomorrow - as need some Kreinik and the beads to do said beading.
Also tomorrow I'll be working on Comfort & Rest and should hopefully get it finished. Another one to add to the "Things To Finish Off/Get Framed" pile. Gets bigger by the week this pile. If I was clever enough I would make some of them into quilt squares and make a quilt for our bed, which I've been threatening to do for a while now. Need more hours in the day and a bigger table, and another pair of hands. LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Mini Mandal looks great.