Bookmark progress

I've been busy making thread sacks today. All the material was cut out ready, so I've been sewing everything up with the machine. Kate fills the sandbags for me (I told her to bash the bags on the table to make the sand more compact so she could get more in - she pretends it's her ex-boyfriend's head!) and I do all the machine and hand sewing. Now there are 13 more thread sacks to go on the web site. I've taken photos of them all but will wait till tomorrow to put them on the site, as I'm too tired at the moment.
I had an email from an editorial assistant from the World Of Cross Stitch magazine yesterday. She said she was interested in featuring one of the products from my web site in the Best Buy pages of the mag. I rang her up to find out which one it was and apparently it's the biscornu. I sent her a photo, but I have no idea which issue it's going to be in or anything. Maybe I'll have to buy the next few issues so I can find out! Hope she wasn't flanelling me. LOL.
Wow, your stitching is beautiful. Congrats on being in the mag, will have to keep an eye out for it.
:D Oh I see!! It looks lovely and is MUCH tinier than I expected, it will be gorgeous and dainty, I thought it was going to be big :D
Good news about the phone call, I hope they let you know which issue it will feature in :-)) Well done you :-))
Have a nice week
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