Weekly Update
I never seem to have time these days to keep up with the blogging, mainly I suppose because that since my office/craft room has been moved upstairs I don't spend as much time at the laptop. I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing. LOL. I do however have a finish to show you, almost two finishes in fact. This first one is the LK Flipits from 2007. I started them a couple of weeks ago and finished them on Wednesday night. I have already started the ones from 2008. Dream is finished apart from sewing on the charm and I'm halfway through Love. The second photo is a close-up of July.

Here we have a piece of patchwork I've been doing for an exchange on A Crafty Natter. It's going to be a wall hanging - probably - once I've sandwiched it all together, done the binding and quilted it. The photo below shows a close-up of one of the blocks. This is the Log Cabin design. It's not perfect, but for my first proper attempt at this since I learnt how to do it at college ages ago it's not too bad.

Ainsley has started coming round a couple of times a week to see us. I don't know if she's doing it off her own bat, or if the social worker has talked her into it. We'll see how things go. She's adamant she doesn't want to move back in, which is just as well because a) she can't get into her bedroom anyway at the moment due to the contents of the loft being in there until the council come and insulate the loft, and b) I have huge plans for that room!!!
We could be having a trip to Spain later on this year. My Mam is doing our family tree, and is doing Craig's at the same time. Someone got in touch with her through Genes Reunited (I think) and it turns out she's Craig's cousin. She lives and works in Spain and has invited us out there. He hasn't seen her for about 40 years. I don't think he's seen much of his family in years although he did see a couple at his dad's funeral back in 2001. They don't seem to be a really close family.
Only a couple of weeks to go till the meet-up in Nuneaton. I can't wait. I've already written my list of what I need to take with me, although it's possible I'll lose that in a few days. LOL. I can't wait to see everyone again, especially Kathy. She and I are staying at the Premier Inn, sharing a room, and Keely is coming too. I'm going down on Friday 13th and coming back on Sunday 15th March. I'm going to try and get some more thread sacks made up and I want Kate to make some more fobs, so I can hopefully sell them.
Now...where's that list?
Wow I love that Quilt sis, its gorgeous, I would love to make something like that to go in my guest room for the bed, so it would ahve to a big task lol. Oh well one day I suppose.
Roll on 2 wks time soo looking forward to seeing you and Keely.
I love your LK piece too its lovely, congrats on your HD.
Hugs xxxxx
Lovely job on the quilt Jacqui, well done!
I really should get on with my 2008 L*K flip it's!
love the LK flips, you stitched them up fast, the quilt is lovely too, well done!
Keely is growing so fast,what a darling. I can just imagine what she'll be getting into soon, that'll keep you all on your toes LOL
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