Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Time For Photos - Nuneaton 03/10/09

On Craig's birthday, 2nd October, we drove down to Nuneaton for another stitching meet-up. It was after 11pm by the time we got to the Travelodge (it was so well advertised and the bloody postcode was wrong on the web site!) and all three of us were absolutely knackered - Keely came too - but our first stop was the room next door to ours to visit with Kathy and the twins. We had a birthday drink for Craig then went to our room and crashed out. On the Saturday morning we made our way to the school and met up with all the old faces. Lynn did a fab job of organising everything and the day went really well.

Above: Vicky, who is a designer, just can't remember the name of her company
Below: My mate Kathy

Below: Hazel and Tracey, hard at work

Below: Clare and Tina

Below: Clare and Lynn. Does anyone remember Les Dawson and Roy Barraclough doing a sketch dressed up as old women gossiping over the fence? This is them when they were younger. PMSL. Sorry ladies, but I just couldn't help it.

Below: Clare with Keely, who was spoilt rotten all day

Below: Angie, who for once was crutch/plaster/accident free!


Lindylou said...

Hi Jacqui

Fantastic pics... I forgot you took that one of Clare and I.

Hugs to all

Lynn xx

Lindylou said...

Hi Jacqui

Fantastic pics... I forgot you took that one of Clare and I.

Hugs to all

Lynn xx