Been to see Great Gran and Great Granda today

We've had a busy day today. First of all Kate, Keely and I went down to the shops in Blyth. By the time we got there Keely decided she was hungry, so her and Kate stayed in the car so she could have a bottle. I went to Klick to get some proper photos done from my digital camera, then to the card shop to buy a birthday card for XDH as it's his birthday on Tuesday, and Adams where I couldn't help myself and bought Keely a couple of things.
After that we tootled over to the Mitre to see Granda Mick at work (not officially her Granda seeing as we're divorced) and we picked up Ian before going to the pub for lunch. We left Ian behind and went to see my friend June. She was in her element with Keely. And Wendy wasn't impressed with the disgustingly shitty nappy that she had to change cos no one else would.
We then headed back to Blyth, but went to Mam and Dad's before home. I had to collect some sponsor money for Ian, he's abseiling off the top of the Hilton Hotel in Gateshead tomorrow at 1pm. He'd better not wimp out.
She's a real cutie Jacqui. Congratulations to Kate on giving birth to such a beautiful little girl!
She's adorable Jacqui.
I do have something for her, but it's at my parents and Mum is staying with my Aunt for a few days, so I'll send it at the end of the month. Hope you all like it.
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