The Spanish Adventure
View over the new golf course (below) which is still a work in progress. In the distance you can just about see another urbanisation and the mountains

Below - a clearer day where the mountains are more in view - I waited all week to get a good photo of those ruddy moutains but they were very elusive!

When we arrived at Marilyn's I was greeted by her two dogs, Candy who is a Jack Russell aged 12, and Tessa, a Westie aged 9.

We spent most of that first afternoon catching up on family news and I gave her the things I'd taken over for her, like the hardanger mat I made her, some bouquet garni and a few other things. Then we got down to stitching. At a very civilised time of day, 4pm Spanish time, we started on the wine. LOL. By the time it was dark enough for Maz to need her lamp we were really comfortable with each other - but we have been chatting online for over a year now - and were having a right laugh. But then we discovered that her lamp had brewer's droop so we had to think of something to keep it up and in place. Maz found the perfect solution - her whisky bottle.
On Sunday we went to the English market at Benijofar, where there were loads of stalls. We stopped at the end of the first stall to have a bacon roll and a delicious cup of tea. I found a stall that sold perle, but I think it's actually crochet cotton. It came in balls of #8 and #12 so I got some anyway, it'll come in useful for something. And it was mega cheap. Maz bought lots of fruit and veg. One thing I can say about the Spanish, their fruit and vegetables are gorgeous, they look nice, are a lovely size and are really cheap. I think Maz paid just under €2 for a whole pineapple, which the man on the stall cored for her, and it was much bigger than the ones we get in this country. And she also got three huge oranges for €1, which we never actually got around to eating! We had the pineapple in a smoothie though and it was totally delicious. When we got back to the apartment we had lunch then stitched all afternoon. I did some of Marilyn's Dreamcatchers project that she is finishing off for her daughter Claire, then I started on a HAED design for her which she had already gridded ready. It's a QS called Motherhood and over the next three days I stitched more than 3000 stitches in it for her, so she has a good start on it anyway. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of that to show you, or the Dreamcatchers. Maybe when Maz reads this she will take a couple of pics for me so I can show you them. (Thanks Maz! LOL)
On Tuesday we went to a great big hypermarket called Carrefour's. It was huge and sold just about everything, though I can't remember seeing any kitchen sinks. I was going to buy a new digital camera but the woman on the counter dithered about that much and we were stood waiting for ages that in the end I changed my mind and we left. I did buy a headset though that I can attach to the laptop and when I download Skype later on today I'll be able to chat to Marilyn voice to voice, which'll be great. She's been nagging me for ages to do it.
When we got back to the apartment I taught Maz how to make pinkeeps. I had taken over these two small hardanger designs that I finished the week before specially for this project. Maz did the purple one and I did the blue one, both of which I left with her to show off. I think she was pretty pleased with this achievement.After rabbit casserole for dinner that night I started some of my own stitching. I did some of the border on this year's Ozark Sampler SAL that I hadn't started yet. The border is going to do my head in though cos it's huge but it needs to be done before the next part comes out. I did a small part of it then got out my Mini Mandala and carried on with that. I'll take some up-to-date photos later today.
On Wednesday morning we were going to go to the market in San Miguel till Maz remembered that it's very hilly and I'm not good on hills. So we went to Los Montesinos again instead. We parked nearer the town centre this time and while Maz went to the bank I went to the tobacconists and bought some duty free cigarettes for Mick (which he'd given me the money for before I left the UK) and then we walked down to the square for a cup of coffee. We went to the Todo shop again so Maz could get some perle for when I teach her how to do hardanger and then we headed back to the apartment. However, Marilyn got a bit lost and we ended up down a road she'd never been on before. At the bottom of this road were some lovely Spanish fincas (farmhouses). One of them had a profusion - there's a good word for a Sunday - of flowers around the perimeter wall, which I later found out were bougainvilla. Got a couple of photos of them.
And further back up the road was this beautiful finca. The skip in front of it rather spoilt the effect but it does look lovely.
Before we headed back to the apartment we went to Carrefour's again and I got the camera that I'd wanted yesterday. The woman behind the counter must've had a premonition or something because she had it already in the box for me. Either that or wishful thinking.
We stitched for most of Thursday morning, going out after lunch to get some petrol in the car and a trip to the bodega for more wine. Unfortunately we couldn't get the wine from there as they were transferring everything over to the warehouse next door and the barrels had been emptied to be cleaned. So we went to a small supermarket and got some from there instead. When we got back I started stitching an Elizabeth's Designs project that I'd brought with me, called Pine Tree Cottage. Another one I need to take a photo of.
Sounds like you had a great time.
Nice pics, sounds like you both had a fun time
Welcome back Jacqui. Nice pics & sounds like you had a great time. :0)
nice to see your back and had a good time :)
What a fantastic post ! i love seeing all your photo's,sounds like you had agreat time with your friend! When's the next trip?Room for four more to tag along lol
Love from Kathyann and the girls
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