Advent Exchange Parcels
Below - Advent parcels from Kathy
WOOHOO! Only two more sleeps before I can start opening my advent parcels. I received from Wendy a couple of weeks ago and they've been sitting on top of the scanner ever since, tormenting me, begging me to open them. But I've been strong and haven't succumbed. I think they're annoying Kate more than me to be honest. LOL. This morning, I received two parcels from Kathy, with numbers 1 - 13 in them. She's sending the rest tomorrow so I should get the rest on Saturday or the beginning of next week. Oh boy, I'm going to enjoy opening all these little pressies. I know what No 5 is from Kathy cos I can see through the wrapping (big bar of Dairy Milk choccy!). It's broken at one end - well I had to have a good feel of them all didn't I - and it should really be opened and eaten or it'll go off, but Kathy won't let me. What a meanie! I have however told her that she shouldn't encourage my chocolate addiction when she knows I'm a diabetic. ROFL. Oh what the hell, you only live once.
lol I am sure you will have a great time opening them and I shall be watching each day to see what is revealed Jacqui.
LOL, looks like you're going to have a lot of fun there Jacqui. :0)
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