Sunday, May 31, 2009

Too Hot To Happy Dance

I finished stitching these baby feet today. The chart was in a cross stitch magazine and I thought it would be perfect for Keely. I'm eventually going to make it into a quilt square and then into a quilt for her, but I need lots more things stitched first.

I've had a fairly quiet weekend. Kate and Keely are in Hull visiting Steven and his family (Kate's Dad) so I've been able to get on and finish the feet and generally not do very much. The weather has been lovely here, but I haven't been able to sit out in the garden cos it's a tip, and needs a load of work doing in it to get rid of the weeds that have sprouted up through the gravel. Craig was supposed to be doing some gardening today but I think he's forgotten that he said that. LOL.


stitchersanon said...

That is a lovely pattern for a baby..very pretty.
Go and enjoy that never know how long it will last! Weeds are just plants growing in the wrong place. Tell yourself they are meant to be there...problem solved ;-)

Desi said...

This is so sweet! What a wonderful gift: a quilt WITH cross-stitch!

LadybirdK said...

I nominated your blog for an award!