Seems like ages since I last posted on here and people have been nagging me, so I thought I'd better do something about it.
First off we had Keely's christening on 16th November. The service was at 9.30am and I'll have you know it was flipping freezing in that church. Luckily the church is only a five minute walk from our house, you can see it from our sitting room window, so at least we didn't have to carry her very far. She was very well behaved throughout, didn't even cry when the vicar poured water over her head. She didn't start to get grizzly till about 10 minutes before the end, but a previously prepared bottle sorted that out.
We had a photo taken with the vicar (left to right - Craig, me, Father Richard holding Keely, Dene, Kate, Laura and Ian) before heading for home. Craig went to collect my Gt Auntie Vi - it was too early for her to come to the church - while me and Mam sorted out the food in the kitchen, then after a bit of a chat we had a buffet lunch.
Mam and Dad made Keely's christening cake, Dad and Kate iced and decorated it. The pink bits are Kate's effort. LOL. It was scrummy.

The above photo is of five generations of our family. If my Gran had still been alive it would have been her in the photo, but we used the next best thing instead, her sister, my Gt Auntie Vi. So on there is Auntie Vi, Kate, Mam, me and a not-very-happy Keely. We thought we'd better make the most of Auntie Vi as she moved to Sheffield the weekend after this was taken.
Last week Kate took Keely to mother and baby at Sure Start. They made C'mas cards, and this is Keely's to her Gran and Granda. She made the reindeer's face with her footprint and the antlers with her hands. There should be a little red pompom for his nose but it fell off and I keep forgetting to take some glue downstairs to put it back on. Kate obviously did the writing and drew the facial features on it, but I still think it's ever so cute. Very talented my granddaughter. LOL.

Kathy and the twins were here for the christening. Here's Kathy with Keely. Kathy would love a daughter and is very broody whenever she sees babies. She loves Keely and would have taken her home with her if we hadn't been looking. Love ya sis!
It was Kate's 21st birthday two days after the christening. As her best friend Laura was up for the week we thought they would be going out clubbing or something, but Kate decided to have an Ann Summers party instead. It was very funny and the wine was flowing. Not too much though as I was babysitting when I got home...Granda babysat while I was out. Kate and Laura had been into Blyth wearing cat ears and tails and when they came home someone put the ears on Keely. I don't think she was too impressed. Wait till she sees her reindeer antlers!
The day after Kate's birthday all hell broke loose. Her ex-boyfriend, Matt the Tw*t, decided to pay us a visit. His girlfriend had found some texts from Kate on his phone about Keely and she rang Kate up to find out who they both were. Kate told Gemma that she was his ex and that Keely is his daughter. Funnily enough Matt hadn't thought to mention to Gemma that he had another daughter (she knew about the other one), so she was a bit pissed off and finished him. Matt then decided Kate had been shit stirring and came knocking on my door late in the afternoon. He demanded to know where Kate was and wanted her to come to the front door. I basically told him to go away - only I wasn't so polite about it - and he threatened to ring social services and have the baby taken off Kate (I asked him if he wanted the phone number), then he said he was going to go round to Kate's house and wait for her to go home so he could kill her.
While this was going on, Kate was ringing the police, but by the time they got here 10 mins later he'd gone again. One of the officers went off in his van to see if he could find him, and the other two stayed to take some details. They told Kate that she could either press charges, which would take ages, or take out an injunction. She was in court on Friday and was granted an injunction, which he was served with on Monday morning. Apparently he's not very happy about it, isn't that a bloody shame. He's not allowed to come within 100 meters of her, and the injunction also has Power of Arrest, so if he does anything that breaks the terms of it, he can be arrested. I can't wait for him to try.
Keely was weighed on Monday and she's now 11lbs 14ozs, and is 12 weeks old. She's fascinated by the twinkly lights and decorations that we put up the other day. I don't normally put them up this early, but seeing as they're mostly for her benefit I decided I would. I can't wait for C'mas Day.
I'm taking part in an advent exchange on Tranquil Stitches message board, as I did last year. So far I've opened a little notebook with snowflakes on the cover, a fairy decorated box with ribbons inside, and another fairy decorated box with two spools of Kreinik metallic thread. I'll post some pics of everything so far later in the week.