Chronicles of Ireland

This is the Round Tower (12th century) at Ardmore churchyard. This is one of the finest examples of this type of structure in Ireland. It rises in three steps to a hight of just over 29 metres. In the old days, if the monks were under attack, they would carry everything into the tower up a ladder to where the door was, on about the first or second level, then once all the monks and their things were inside they would draw the ladder up so no one else could get in.

Below is the actual place where you lie on your back, butt hanging off the edge and bend backwards at a 45 degree angle to kiss this tiny little stone. There's a couple of handrails to hang on to and two blokes to hang on to you too, just in case. Needless to say I stayed at the bottom of the stairs - very steep and spiralling - under cover of the gift shop. We got drenched here.
Lismore Castle - built on a cliff overhanging the Blackwater River. The present castle incorporates fragments of the original castle built in 1175 by King John. The medieval cathedral has a splendid Tudor monument, Gothic vaulting and some elegant memorials.
This is the Hook Lighthouse, one of the oldest working lighthouses in the world.
Slade harbour
On Monday evening we went to the Marine Bar at Ring (An Rinn - one of the only Gaelic speaking areas in the whole of Ireland) where they play traditional Irish music. Of course we had to go on one of Craig's magical mystery tours to get there, when in actual fact the pub is only about 10 mins drive from the cottage! Anyway, we got there nice and early so that we could get a good seat, and ended up being the only people in the pub for a good two hours. We didn't know that the music didn't start till about 10pm. We left when the music finished at midnight after a really good night. The musicians and singers, only the three of them, were brilliant and the accordian player could certainly play that thing.
Mahon Falls on the Comeragh Trail (above) and the view from the Falls car park near the top of the mountain. On the odd time that the cloud lifted there was a fantastic view. On the road to the falls there's a Fairy Tree, where if you stop and switch your car engine off, you go backwards UP the hill. It was a really weird feeling. We did it on the way back too - seeing as the road to the top of the mountain was closed for roadworks - and we went UP the hill forwards, even though the engine was off. We got up to about 10 mph that time.
Above - Rock of Cashel
Below - View from the Rock of Cashel
Above - Craig standing next to a crystal clock at Waterford Crystal
Below - Crystal coach and horses at Waterford Crystal
Oh my some of the pics take my breath away sis, just stunning.
glad you had a good time.
sounds like you both had a great time Jacqui. I'll have the details off you so I can take the girls one day ;)
What lovely pictures. Glad you both had a great time.
Wow, fantastic pics!
Great pics Jacqui. Sounds like you had a great time. :0)
Such GORGEOUS pictures!!!! It makes me want to go to Ireland even more
Loved looking at your photos of Ireland, and the story about the Fairy Tree. Ireland is a fascinating place - Loughareema (the vanishing lake in Northern Ireland) always intrigued me when I lived there.
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