Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ian been shot!

My youngest son Ian, 18, was having a party at his Dad's house tonight (he's staying there for three weeks, unless he gets a job) and he was out on the balcony of the upstairs flat, either getting some fresh air or having a ciggie, when someone shot him with an air rifle. They got him in the arm, and last I heard he was in the hospital, presumably to have the pellet removed and get cleaned up. The police were obviously called and his mates all gave statements. My ex husband, Mick, reckons it was someone from one of the houses at the back of where he lives, as they were taking pot shots at things this morning.
I'm now waiting for an update phone call when Ian gets back from the hospital. He has to go to where Mick works to pick up his keys that he left behind when he went off in the ambulance. I'll be seeing him tomorrow as I was going over there anyway to take over our spare microwave for them. Hopefully he's ok. Just hope the police get the bastard (pardon the language) that did it.


Alberta said...

Jacqui...what a scary thing! I hope Ian recovers nicely and has a chance to vent his feelings & emotions about this...in court via a victim impact statement!

Sharon said...

How terrible! I am glad the injury was not very severe. What a scare for you all.

Von said...

Jacqui, what an awful thing to have happened to your ds! I too hope they find the culprit! Prayers and good thoughts for Ian's recovery.

Anonymous said...

OMG, that's unbelievable! I hope they catch whoever it was!

Anonymous said...

OMG, you must have been so freaked out when you heard!! I'm crossing my fingers with you!

Anonymous said...

Read your update on stitch & stash and I am so pleased it is not as bad as it could have been! (not that it isn't bad enough!)

I totally agree with your language! You must really want to get your hands on the B*****D that did it!

Hope he continues to get well and big hugs to you {{{{{hugs}}}}}} I can't imagine what you are going through!

Diana said...

How's Ian doing this morning?

mainely stitching said...

Oh no! I hope he'll be okay!!

Sally said...

I hope Ian is doing OK Jacqui.

Anonymous said...

O...M...G... That is so scary. I hope he's ok hun.

Stitchingranny said...

Think its about time these things were banned, there have been a lot of people shot with them recently. My mum had an airgun pellet through her front window a wee while back and it really un-nerved her. They may not kill but can inflict a nasty wound.
Hope hes ok.