Thursday, March 31, 2005

March/April Goals

OK, here's an update on my March goals, and my goals for April.

March -
Finish cottage on Crystal's RR for Nutty Stitchers - FINISHED
Mail New YeaRR (Tammy's piece) - DONE
Work on Carly's piece (New YeaRR) - only just received
Mail Nutty Stitchers RR - DONE
Make a start on Suzi's piece (Nutty Stitchers) - not yet received
Complete Parts 6 & 7 of French Marquoir - DONE
Complete Parts 1, 2 & 3 on Alter Echo Sampler - FINISHED 1 & 2
Complete Feb and March bands on Heart Sampler - BOTH DONE
Make a start on 2 photo charts - BOTH STARTED

April -
Part 8 of French Marquoir SAL
Parts 3 & 4 of Alter Echo Sampler SAL
April Band of Heart Sampler SAL
Do more work on both photo charts
Start - and post - new RR (Battling Beginners)
Finish and post Carly's piece (New YeaRR)
Finish and post Suzi's piece (Nutty Stitchers RR)
Maybe a couple of small pieces so I've got some finishes!

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