Keely's First Birthday & Party
Last Wednesday it was Keely's 1st birthday. To be honest, it doesn't seem like a year since I was in the hospital with a petrified Kate, waiting for the baby to make an appearance. I think she was a bit bemused with all the attention she was getting. She got some lovely pressies including this pushalong thing with an activity centre on it, and the ride-along in the photo below this one, that she got from her Great Gran and Great Granda.

As you can see from the photo below, Great Granda enjoys playing with Keely's toys too. I suppose he has to show her how they work - that'll be his excuse anyway. LOL.

Above - enjoying a cuddle with Great Gran,
and below - cake for breakfast, yummy

Above - the official birthday cake that my friend Susan made
Below - Uncle Dene
Below - Auntie Laura (Keely's godmother) and her fiance Dean

Keely had a great day on her birthday, and also on her party day which was Saturday. Kate's dad, his wife and their youngest son came up, as did Laura, her fiance Dean, and her mum Nicky. My friend Wendy came for an hour. My parents and brother Kevin came, Dene and Ian, Nadia and her four kids from next door, my cousin Michelle and her son Jordan, and Susan (who made the cake) and her husband Stephen came too. It was a good day, although I was shattered by the time everyone left as I'd been up since 6am with Keely, and then I'd helped with all the food, including going to pick the cake up in the morning.
Hazel - I look forward to seeing you in Nuneaton, and yes, Keely is coming too.
Wow, that year has gone fast! Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to Keely - looks like she had a lovely time. :0)
She is a cutie and looks like a loving family.
Ahhh she had a great day didn't she! x
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