Friday, July 18, 2008

Tiger Update...again

Well here we are again, with yet another tiger update. There's not much left to do on this, then I just need to get it framed and put away for Christmas.
On the housing front, Dene should be able to move into his new apartment at the beginning of August, when all the building work is finished. Kate had a phone call from the housing department today and she has to meet someone at her house on Tuesday morning, where hopefully she'll get her keys and sign her tenancy agreement and whatever else needs doing. Once she has the keys we can get stuck in with the decorating (something we don't need to do at Dene's as it's brand new) and get furniture put in etc.
We're back in touch with Craig's oldest daughter Ainsley (14). She's coming up to stay with us for a couple of weeks at the beginning of August. Craig and I are going down to Bristol for a weekend so he can do the driving thing that I bought him for Christmas, so we're going to collect Ainsley on the way back in Leicester (and Kate in Nottingham as she's going to stay with Laura for a couple of days - always supposing she's ok to travel). She has to be back in Leicester on 18th August so we'll take her back that day. We're both really looking forward to seeing her again after four years.


Elisa said...

You have received an award...please collect it from my blog :)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow that Tiger is spectacular!